• ???
    8 months ago

    But aren’t most of those countries in your list countries with a colonial history?

    So, if you argue that we should draw conclusions based on which countries agree or disagree with the genocide charge, then surely you can see how this list of countries is actually argument against that? you know, given that most of those countries on your list were colonial or committed some kind of war crime or human rights violation in the past that they took ages to admit, hence not trustworthy when commenting on genocide claims?

    Based on your own logic, would you really trust France or the UK to comment on this situation where we have a colonial racist nation plundering the goods of another and grabbing their lands?

    Or perhaps Canada, who we now know committed genocide against the indigenous population?

    Please, when you start things off with flawed logic, it’s hard to arrive at the correct conclusion… better be careful.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      8 months ago

      Yes they are, most all of them. There’s nothing flawed about it. Despite their colonial pasts everyone of these countries has embraced democracy, which is itself the greatest and most precious thing humankind has ever achieved. It took humans thousands of years to realize ourselves but we can be set back to the dark ages in a few bad years if authoritarian theocracies and Islamic fundamentalism achieve their goals of “death to America” and “death to Israel” and all that horseshit.

      I’m not siding with Canada that forced out indigenous people and kidnapped their kids. I’m talking about Canada right now. NATO right now. America right now. All standing up against a movement that desires a new world order led by Russia, North Korea, and Iran, right now. Nah, I’ll stick with the people who have mostly voted themselves away from colonialism and sectarian violence.

      • ???
        18 months ago

        They are democratic hence can’t be wrong. They can’t be wrong because they’re democratic.

        Sounds totally logical!

        I was wrong about most, turns out Norway also has a colonial history lol.