One woman in her 30s, Boyka, told the researchers: “We don’t have a dentist. It’s crazy. For us, it’s, like, impossible! In Ukraine the dentist industry is huge, you know, everywhere, and because it’s everywhere you just go and it’s like £10, £8, and you can clean it, whiten it like [a] Hollywood smile!

Some British families who have taken in Ukrainian refugees have noted that their guests organise dental appointments during their visits home.

    • @[email protected]
      161 year ago

      im very envious of the service my dog gets at the vets. appts the same day and non emergency surgery within days. ive been on an a waiting list for an examination for over 14months now

    • ares35
      141 year ago

      “oh, you’re in luck. we just had a cancellation. can you be here at 1130…today?”

      'fraid not. it’ll take me longer than that just to get out of london

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Similarly in Hungary there is a term “dental tourism” because they sell packages with spa resorts so the family can enjoy a holiday while the patient has a full dental transplant put in while in anaesthesia.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I live in a podunk college town in rural Ohio and can get a dentist appointment in about a week at any time. In fact, i had to push it back a week because my new insurance wasn’t going to take effect when they suggested a date.