If this isn’t a conservative community, can someone point me to the actually conservative community?

  • @PizzaMan
    21 year ago

    The solution to brigading is to move to an instance that doesn’t federate with brigaders.

    If you don’t like the instance you’re on, you’re free to go somewhere else.

    • @theyoyomaster
      11 year ago

      I mean, completely unfederated instances kinda defeat the point. I get along just fine with real liberals and have plenty of views that bridge both. Limiting participation to a single isolated instance is basically pointless, especially as an actual replacement for reddit. Brigading and hostility to anyone that isn’t part of the circle jerk is just a disadvantage to the solution to admin/CEO-proofing lemmy as a whole.

      • @PizzaMan
        1 year ago

        I mean, completely unfederated instances kinda defeat the point.

        All instances start fully federated, and slowly get defederated by the communities that choose to do so.

        Brigading and hostility to anyone that isn’t part of the circle jerk is just a disadvantage to the solution to admin/CEO-proofing lemmy as a whole.

        Like it or not brigading is what stops places from being echo chambers.

        • @theyoyomaster
          21 year ago

          Either way I’m not looking for isolated echo chambers with virtually no variety of content. Defederated instances defeat the entire point. I can get along just fine with people who I don’t agree with 100%, it would just be nice if others can do the same.

          Like it or not brigading is what stops places from being echo chambers.

          This is literally 100% false. Justify it however you want but your goal is to run anyone out that you disagree with so only your personal views are left. That isn’t stopping it from being an echo chamber.

          • mirror_slap
            21 year ago

            I think the problem is that much of the “conservative” side is, well, divorced from reality. If you want to find a place in the fediverse that will simply let that slide, it’s not gonna happen. As long as you’ve got Trump leading the polls, his lackeys wasting time in the House on nonsense while ignoring criminals like Santos, other idiots banning books, a SCOTUS that’s the most blatantly corrupt, well, ever, etc. etc. etc. you’re going to have a bad time.

          • @PizzaMan
            21 year ago

            your goal is to run anyone out that you disagree with

            No it’s not

        • @BlamemetaOP
          -101 year ago

          Its already a far left echo chamber.

          • @PizzaMan
            51 year ago

            You’re more than welcome to stay here and make posts that criticize the left. But you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

            You can either deal with an instance that leans left, or you can deal with one that doesn’t. It’s up to you.

          • Unhappily_Coerced
            -141 year ago

            It’s almost as if, people living off big bro, begging for free money and debt forgiveness have plenty of free time to chat on the internet all day… Meanwhile, conservatives are out in the world trying to hold the damn thing together!

            Regarding the matter at hand. I don’t agree that it’s right to ban people who have opposing views. Most of my comment history here is talking to the leftists about that exact thing. Because yes, this place, as new as it is, is already feeling like a lefty’s echo chamber…

            sad x indeed

            • @PizzaMan
              1 year ago

              It’s almost as if, people living off big bro

              Have you actually asked people how they make a living, or are you just assuming?

              begging for free money and debt forgiveness

              Why is it that it is ok for the airline industry, the banks, corporate AG, etc, can all get these corporate bailouts, but when it is the people themselves that need a bailout, it’s mocked and derrided?


              Here is a list of corporations who have gotten govenment bailouts. Have you taken issue with a single one of these? Or do you only ever talk about social programs? Because when I poke my head inside conservative spaces all of the complaints go towards services that help people instead of corporate bail outs.

              have plenty of free time to chat on the internet all day…

              There are just as many posts on the internet from conservatives as there are from leftists.

              Meanwhile, conservatives are out in the world trying to hold the damn thing together!

              Conservatives are voting to destroy the environment at every chance:


              How can they hold the world together when they are voting to kill the environment/world?

              • Unhappily_Coerced
                -101 year ago

                I’m from Alaska. Everyone I know and their sons either kill millions of salmon every year or works for the oil industry.

                You’re right that big bro probably shouldn’t be bailing out anyone. Unfortunately, truly free markets are hard to advocate for. The college debt topic is an easy target because we’re tradesmen who didn’t need colleges to begin with and all you silly kids getting degrees for stuff nobody needs is hilarious. Sociology, gender studies, etc etc. News flash, there’s only two genders, I and the trillions of people that came before me didn’t need a degree to figure that one out.

                My statement about conservatives being outnumbered on the internet is anecdotal, obviously. From what I see, reddit, lemmy, kbin, twitter, etc… Mostly leftist echo chambers. If I’m wrong, oh well, NBD. Take yourself for example, a lefty hanging out in a conservative magazine. I fully support your decision to engage in debate BTW.

                We aren’t voting to destroy the planet, we’re voting to keep our careers, livelihoods, traditions, morals, etc. Praying that our traditions and value will continue to have a positive influence on the world who, used to, look up to this country and our freedoms (yes, I’m a full blown ethnocentric and proud!). We also don’t vote to discriminate, we vote for a fair and equal opportunity across the board. Regardless of your skin color or the awful choices your parents might have made as the leaders of your life.

                Nothing we as a species can do will change the natural course of the planet. Fossil fuels have enabled us to save countless lives from unavoidable, natural disasters. Nothing you vote for will detour third world countries from continuing the path of destruction.

                • @PizzaMan
                  51 year ago

                  all you silly kids getting degrees for stuff nobody needs is hilarious.

                  I don’t think they’re anywhere near as silly as you think they are. The top most popular degreese are:

                  1. Business - I don’t typically think of these as useful degrees, but if the U.S. is going to stay competitive, then there needs to be people to run our industries and companies.

                  2. Health professionals - I would hope that you see this as a valuable type of degree

                  3. Social sciences and history - (Ex: Anthropology, criminology, economics, geography, history, legal studies, political science, social work, sociology) - All of which are important for a healthy society.

                  4. Engineering - Again, pretty self evidently valuable

                  5. Biological and Biomedical sciences - Same as above

                  6. Psychology - This one is definitely oversaturated, but it isn’t a silly degree, and it’s a very high need given how prevelent our country’s mental health problems go

                  7. Communication and Journalism - (Ex: Advertising, editing, marketing, media communication, public relations, technical writing, translation, writing) - These all have varying degrees of importance. The journalism related ones are easily the most important here. The advertising/marketing ones I would like to see disappear, but again, they aren’t exactly silly.

                  8. Visual and Performing Arts - A healthy society should have a decent bit of this. I’d rather have a cultured society.

                  9. Computer and Information Sciences - Our world is built on computers, so another self evidently valuable set

                  10. Education - Same as above

                  And that makes up the majority of fields/degrees that people are getting. They aren’t silly.


                  Sociology, gender studies, etc etc.

                  Sociology is important to maintain the health of our society. If we don’t study the ways in which our society is failing people, how can we expect things to get better? And as for gender studies, those fill a similar role.

                  News flash, there’s only two genders

                  How do you know this?

                  We aren’t voting to destroy the planet, we’re voting to keep our careers, livelihoods, traditions, morals, etc.

                  Conservatives absolutely are doing so. Any time there is any legislation put to vote that would reduce our emission it gets shot down by conservatives. If we continue on this course the end result will be our planet becoming uninhabitable. If you work in a field reliant upon the fossil fuels that are destroying our planet, then you should pull yourself up by your bootstraps and find a job that won’t kill the planet. As for the traditions/morals, any tradition that destroys our planet deserves to die, and it isn’t moral to kill the planet.

                  Nothing we as a species can do will change the natural course of the planet.

                  We absolutely can. During the pandemic, global emissions droped like a rock. It is absolutely in our capability to build a society in which we maintain our freedoms while getting rid of fossil fuels.

                  Fossil fuels have enabled us to save countless lives from unavoidable, natural disasters.

                  And that was cool for the 1900s, but we need to move past it because they are actively killing us, and it’s only getting worse. Currently, 7 million people a year are dying from reckless pollution. The polluters/fossil fuel industry needs to be held accountable for their actions.


                  Nothing you vote for will detour third world countries from continuing the path of destruction.

                  We have clean technologies that we can invest in within third world countries. We absolutely can and should do so to avoid this disaster from getting worse and/or unrecoverable.

                  • Unhappily_Coerced
                    1 year ago

                    My previous comment was too many characters apparently.

                    The argument is against sociology and gender studies.

                    *, and the government subsidizing education

                  • Unhappily_Coerced
                    -61 year ago

                    While some college degrees are useful, I wasn’t addressing all of them specifically, nor are their specifics relevant to the argument. The argument is against sociology and gender studies.

                    If we don’t study the ways in which our society is failing people, how can we expect things to get better?

                    Our society is failing because we’re shifting a child’s dependence from their parents to the government. Adults too who are in desperate need of assistance no longer seek out their neighbors or local religious establishments, they instead depend on the government. Both of these aspects require excessive taxation and social goods to be either bolstered or built from the ground up.

                    Sociology doesn’t provide practical skills that directly translate into specific careers. The job market is very limited, with many graduates failing to find jobs related to their degree. The study of society and human behavior is subjective, theories and findings are influenced by the researcher’s perspective, making it difficult to establish definitive truths. These biases are often disconnected from real-world applications.

                    Almost all the same things can be said about gender studies, because it’s irrelevant to practical applications in the real world.

                    How do you know this?

                    Men don’t menstruate and cannot get pregnant. Women cannot produce sperm and don’t have prostate glands. Try all you might, ingesting what you shouldn’t, you’re still going to be bound by the chromosomes you were born with.

                    Lefties are all about “trust the science, bro” yet when it comes to basic biology, often they’d rather rewrite the literature to fit some asinine ideology. HRT isn’t gender affirming, it is gender contradicting.

                    Any time there is any legislation put to vote that would reduce our emission it gets shot down by conservatives.

                    You see emissions, we see livelihoods.

                    If you work in a field reliant upon the fossil fuels that are destroying our planet, then you should pull yourself up by your bootstraps and find a job that won’t kill the planet.

                    Simply suggesting that people switch jobs overlooks the economic realities faced by millions of individuals. Are you going to build the businesses that employ all the people who have no jobs? Probably just expect the government to do it.

                    Drive a car powered by oil drilled by Americans, or drive a car who’s resources were mined by child labor and other unethical work forces… The choice is yours.

                    it isn’t moral to kill the planet

                    Scientific consensus suggests reversing global warming is impossible. While some tactics might slow down the process, you’re just beating a dead horse. The planet will die eventually, with or without human intervention.

                    Telling coal and wood fired pizza shops in NYC to reduce their emissions isn’t going to do anything compared to the military, the over seas shipping industry, the private jets, etc. Beating a dead horse.

                    You think you’re helping, but you’re just making millions of lives more difficult, both the people you’re telling to get new jobs that don’t exist and the people you’re supporting overseas who have much less ethical employment practices.

                    During the pandemic, global emissions droped like a rock. It is absolutely in our capability to build a society in which we maintain our freedoms while getting rid of fossil fuels.

                    Not sure which freedoms you think you still have when you’re being told to not leave your house, not get close to people, cover your face to muffle your voice and expressions… But it feels like that just circles back to my original statement regarding chatting on the internet all day… Maybe you’re content with interacting with people over video and text chat. Maybe you like sitting at a computer all day doing fuck all. Most people don’t.

                    Gloomy clouds indicate upcoming rain, reducing the number of vehicles on the road improves air quality. Profound.

                    We have clean technologies that we can invest in within third world countries.

                    Assessment of a technology’s environmental impact should consider its entire life cycle, including the extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, operation, and disposal. Large-scale deployment of renewable energy projects lead to habitat destruction and harm to local ecosystems. Similarly, the increased demand for certain raw materials, such as lithium and cobalt for batteries contributes to environmental degradation and human rights issues.

                    No technology is “clean”, the sooner you face the facts the better off we’ll all be.

                    We absolutely can and should do so to avoid this disaster from getting worse and/or unrecoverable.

                    You absolutely should do the things that make you feel better about yourself and the impact you have on the world. You absolutely shouldn’t try to infringe on your neighbor by forcing them to follow you. Forcing me and mine through legislation to invest in your capital ventures through taxation is immoral theft.

                • Obsydian_Falcon
                  21 year ago

                  Ahh yes, all us silly kids getting degress and running the logistics that allow you to sell your salmon in the first place. Y’all conservatives just love being divorced from the real world don’t you? I’m all for good fait conversation, but your opinion stated loudly doesn’t make it fact. It just makes you another blustering 'hard worker" who has no idea how the modern world works since your ignorance is so blissful