• PhobosAnomaly
    8 months ago

    You’re right - I had heard of this “coupon” but never really understood what it was until you explained it so well, thank you.

    It still baffles me though as they have entered into a contract with their credit provider which likely clearly says what payment methods are acceptable. A breach that contract seems to be undoing the very fabric of the narrative they’re trying to weave with their sovcit nonsense.

    Oh well, I’ve lost enough brain cells over this for one day, and my last one is getting lonely!

    • shastaxc
      138 months ago

      That’s because it’s the secret, implied clause in all contracts. Just like you don’t have to specify “also, Chase may not murder me” because it’s just part of their rights as a citizen of their country.

      But yes, it is all still insane.