I’ve made a bunch of prompts to work with different scales such that I’ve can build up their setting with as little work as fleshing out a single prompt everyday for a month!

For each each day this month, choose a prompt from one of the Scales you need for your setting (Local, Region, World, System, Cluster, or Galaxy).

Alternatively, you can choose multiple prompts each day. The goal remains the same, chip away at various sections at your setting that one might not normally consider, and by the end of the month, you’ll have a fairly fleshed out strong for any project you might have!

  • @kolastor
    22 years ago

    This is great. I’ve been working on a few projects and almost sidelining the worldbuilding a tad. I’ve been meaning to flesh out a few more things and get some inspiration for expansion. Looking forward to working on these! Though I wish it was posted just a bit before the month began ;)

    • @ClasmOP
      22 years ago

      I’ll keep that in mind if I post this again at some point. Like before November or October.