I have tried Mint, Personal Capital, GNUCash, and probably a few others, and I seem to have settled on Tiller. Basically, I like the convenience of automatically pulling in transactions and balances, but I like retaining control of the budgeting process.

I know there are a ton of others out there, so let’s post our favorites and a short explanation of what makes them great.

  • capital
    32 years ago

    I seem to have settled on Tiller.

    As I read the title I had Tiller in mind. I’ve only ever tried YNAB and Mint (a long while ago) and Tiller is a good mix of automation but leaves me with control of the data as it’s just in a spreadsheet that I own.

    YNAB felt a little too restrictive. Maybe that works for those with issues regulating themselves with how they spend but Tiller felt right for me as I really just needed to track what I’ve spent so I could just keep that in mind as time progresses and I spend from day to day.