Just a basic guide on how I implemented Lemmy and the issues I ran into

  • @exoZeek
    11 year ago

    I’m setting up my second pc as a server and going to give this a shot and see how it runs. Thanks for the write up!

    • delendumM
      21 year ago

      That’s an awesome project! I love re-purposing computers for self-hosted stuff.

      Let us know how you go, as @[email protected] says, your setup will probably be different than his or mine, but I’m also happy to help if I can.

    • SleepyBearOP
      21 year ago

      There are definitely a bunch of things I’m doing because I have them already setup for other services.

      Getting HTTPS to work, for example, was pretty easy because I already have ACME running for my domains, so can just reference existing certs.

      Similarly, I have the domain and DNS already running, so don’t need to handle setting it up, or messing with the firewall or router for that piece.

      But, happy to help if I can.