• PugJesus
    128 months ago

    “Technically running a blockade in Yemen national wateres”

    Funny way of saying “Were attacked in international waters regardless of whether their destination was Israel”, but I guess facts are inconvenient little things.

    • @gmtom
      -78 months ago

      Were attacked in international waters

      0 of these attacks were in international waters.

      but I guess facts are inconvenient little things.

      The fucking irony of this statement is palpable.


      Here is a map of the major red sea attacks.

      If you could please point out where on this image the international waters our I would much appreciate it, because i can only see yemeni terirtorial waters (and eritrea and djibouti but none of the attacks accoured in their waters). That’s if you can find time in your busy schedule of being a smug condescending and Co fidently icorrect asshole (:

      • PugJesus
        88 months ago

        “All of the incidents to date have occurred outside Yemeni territorial waters, but even if they were within territorial waters, these attacks would still constitute a violation of international law, in particular the right of innocent or transit passage and the fundamental rights of the seafarers onboard to carry out their work and to do so without fear of attack,” the spokesperson for the International Chamber of Shipping said.

        That’s if you can find time in your busy schedule of being a smug condescending and Co fidently icorrect asshole (:

        Truly astounding. Dunning-Kruger effect in the flesh.

        • @gmtom
          -18 months ago

          Again the irony.

          I provided you a map that shows you where the ships were when they were attacked, this is data you can verify for yourself.

          You can look at that map with your own eyes and see that these attacks occoured within Yemeni territorial water.

          It’s quite literally an undeniable fact that you can verify for yourself. I know you won’t though because you’ve already decided you were right before doing any sort of checking for yourself, then when someone comes along with ACTUAL information that anyone can verify and not just an unsourced quote from someone with every reason to lie, you lash out because it goes the world view you constructed before looking for the facts yourself.

          Also. No, seafarers don’t have the right to violate the sovereignty of a countries terirtorial waters without repercussions, especially when they are supplying weapoms and other material to a country that is currently commiting genocide, so is not “innocent passage”. Or are you going to say that when the UK seized the Grace 1 or the recent incident where the US lost 2 SEALs boarding a boat heading for Yemen, are violations of international law too?

          Like if you want to claim these happened in international waters please provide me some actual proof, instead of being condescendin. I assume you’re an adult right? Then can we argue this maturely without devoling into acting like redditors?

          • PugJesus
            78 months ago

            You’re absolutely right, what does the International Chamber of Shipping know about international law and what waters are territorial? The UN is just a lapdog of the US anyway. /s

            You can look at that map with your own eyes and see that these attacks occoured within Yemeni territorial water.

            Lmao, even your own map doesn’t support that, unless your opinion is that Eritrea and Djibouti aren’t real countries, and only the “A Curse Upon The Jews” folks are sovereign.

            • @gmtom
              08 months ago

              So if we were to make the assumption that what im saying was right do you think the international Chamber of Shipping would totally go against the US UK and every other western country to side with Yemen? You really honestly in good faith believe they would do that?

              Lmao, even your own map doesn’t support that, unless your opinion is that Eritrea and Djibouti

              It does because you see those islands in the middles of striaght where most of the attacks take place? That’s the Hanish Islansa and the Zubair group, which both beleong to Yemen, and so the waters surrounding them up to halfway between them and the countries on the otherside are part of Yemens EEZ. So the map does show they are in Yemeni waters.

              • PugJesus
                48 months ago

                It does because you see those islands in the middles of striaght where most of the attacks take place? That’s the Hanish Islansa and the Zubair group, which both beleong to Yemen, and so the waters surrounding them up to halfway between them and the countries on the otherside are part of Yemens EEZ. So the map does show they are in Yemeni waters.

                EEZ isn’t the same as territorial waters, which you might realize if you had any interest in anything other than playing apologist for attacks on civilians. We’re done here.

                • @gmtom
                  -28 months ago

                  So you going to write off all the actual factual information because of 1 technical mistake I made while replying? Then accuse me of some bullshit to cover for you complete lack of any coherent argument?

                  You could at least answer the question asked you. But we both know you’re purposely avoiding it because you don’t like the answer you would have to give.

                  Maybe you should go back to reddit, you would be in better company there :)

                  • PugJesus
                    58 months ago

                    So you going to write off all the actual factual information because of 1 technical mistake I made while replying?

                    “Technical mistake”
