From the team:

Hi everyone,

As a result of your valuable feedback, we’ve been working on making Proton Mail and Calendar easier to use on your desktop.

Today, we reached a significant milestone - the Proton Mail and Calendar desktop apps for Windows and macOS are now available in beta for all supporters on paid Proton plans. We’re also working on the Linux app and will release it soon for testing.

Thanks to your initial feedback, we’ve added new features and bug fixes, including:

  • 🗓 Easier access to Calendar via the app switcher on macOS

  • 🚨 Notification badge for unread messages

  • 🔤 Improved accessibility and font support

  • Easy Switch and Gmail sync can now be set up from within the app, allowing you to easily sync emails, contacts, and calendars from non-Proton accounts

  • 💜 The option to set Proton Mail as your default email client on macOS

Download links and more info here:

Let us know what you think; we look forward to your feedback!

Stay safe,

The Proton Team

  • Yer Ma
    8 months ago

    Give us a Linux client for mail and pass please, please… pretty please

    (Or a connector that works better/installs better)

    • @NelizeaM
      58 months ago

      Quote straight out of the linked blog:

      The Proton Mail desktop app is currently available for macOS and Windows. We’re working on a Linux version that will be available in early access in the coming weeks.

    • Lunch
      48 months ago

      They stated in their previous AUA that they’re lacking Linux Developers, even have positions open for applicants. So they said all Linux releases will be quite a bit behind Windows and Mac releases.

      • Yer Ma
        28 months ago

        Lol thanks, I know, I’m just tooting into the wind

        • Lunch
          28 months ago

          Tooting with ya… personally looking to switch to other solutions purely because of this.

          • setVeryLoud(true);
            18 months ago

            I actually tried applying, EU and UK only, with some positions in Asia. US / Canada need not apply.

          • Lunch
            18 months ago

            They recently had a AUA over at Reddit, they stated they they were lacking Linux Developers hence the delay of Linux releases across the board. So can’t judge them to harshly for it either, but personally not gonna wait around for it.

            Don’t know anything about who they hire though.

            • 🔗 David Sommerseth
              38 months ago


              @protonmail could start by actually attending various open source conferences. There are several of them only in Europe. #FOSDEM is the largest one (actually happening this weekend), @devconf_cz is another one, with lots of #Linux distribution focus as well.

              Sending HR folks and developers to these conferences, having a stand somewhere, meeting people is a solid way to find new hires with a specific skill set.

              • Lunch
                28 months ago

                Great point! They totally should, and I would assume they have the recourses for it too.