
In Bing Image Creator, DAL-E 3

Prompt: a man sits, quickly writing words on a keyboard. Across the room, a nimble industrial robot moves fast, painting a large, brightly colored masterpiece of a scene

      • @A_A
        21 year ago

        Thanks for your answer. Since I am not a native speaker, I had to read your comment a few times and add a comma 😋 :

        The banner was here before, I was so not sure.
        The banner was here before I was, so not sure.
        The (new image’s height to width) ratio might be an issue however…

        • ThelsimM
          21 year ago

          The current banner is the result of a community competition. Everyone got to submit their entry and the winner got made the profile photo and banner. I’d have to dig around to find the original post.
          I really like your image, but the ratios are definitely wrong. You’d only get to see part of the picture.
          We can always put it up for discussion if it’s time for a new banner :)

          • @UsernameblankfaceOP
            21 year ago

            I agree that it doesn’t crop well. The current banner is much better with the wide wide ratio.