I want to learn how to cook properly and make simple recipes and don’t spend too much time looking for what to make everyday.

So I start looking into some recipes I can make with the instant pot that we have at home.

But then I can’t find certain ingredients in the local supermarket, or the ingredients are too expensive, so I start searching for other places to buy cheaper produce. Then I also start looking at what recipes don’t take too much time to make, and read about meal prep and such, and find communities and websites. And then I look at local classes for learning how to cook, but they are way too expensive and I’m not sure whether they will be any good, etc…

And so I spend hours and hours researching all these things, but I never actually start cooking or go to the grocery store for ingredients.

I’m now feeling tired and have no energy to actually do any cooking anymore. And I just have no clue where to get started.

It seems like I’m stuck thinking of how to do something the best way possible, instead of actually trying something. But when I want to try something, I have no idea where to even start.

Anybody experience the same sometimes?

  • @[email protected]
    310 months ago

    Pretty much every time I want to make something new, I spend more time looking at recipes than actually cooking. That’s why I mostly eat the same thing everyday. I make sure to save any new recipes when I like them, or else I might never find them again.

    For learning to cook, YouTube is free. You can follow the recipe as you go along, pausing and rewinding as needed.

    I buy many dry ingredients online. For fresh produce, you may need to substitute ingredients. I used foodsubs.com a lot when I lived in a rural area and had difficulty finding ingredients.

    • @NationProtonsOP
      210 months ago

      Yeah, I do notice if I stick to my staples, it tends to help me avoid spending way too much time searching for new recipes. But my current cookbook is rather small. (about 5 recipes I can consistently prepare). So that’s why I’m looking around for new options, but it’s a bit overwhelming.

      Maybe I should set a specific time during the week where I can do a bit of searching, but avoid doing it on the rest of the days.