The gun the deputy said Casey Goodson Jr. was waving when he was shot in the back multiple times was found in the man’s kitchen with the safety on, the prosecutor shared publicly for the first time.

  • johannesvanderwhales
    1 year ago

    We need a system where they can’t turn it off by themselves. Let them call someone to remotely to request it off for a specific period of time if they’re taking a break. “Hey, taking lunch, can you pause it for an hour?” This is easily solvable, but police accountability is not a problem that the police want to solve.

    • theedqueen
      1 year ago

      The NYTimes Daily podcast did a recent piece on why bodycams haven’t had as big of an impact and it sounds like a big part of the problem is that even if video is recorded the police retain custody so it’s super easy for them to bury the footage. I don’t know why it’s not standard operating procedure for an unrelated body be the ones to maintain custody of the bodycam footage.