Are you making anything in Godot? Feel free to discuss it below or show off your progress!

  • @TeaHands
    91 year ago

    My current project is an extremely simple, extremely minimalist city builder prototype. I basically started building out the framework just to learn whether I even could learn Godot, and now I’m a bit more comfy with the engine this weekend has been spent plotting how to take it from “barebones experiment” to “actual game”

    Well I say this weekend has been spent on that, it’s mostly been spent on watching the Reddit meltdown, but you know what I mean!

    Yesterday was spent refactoring, today was adding some old-school zone demand bars.

    Then I hit the the brick wall of realising that the next thing I need to build…I have literally no idea how to even approach. So back to tutorials for me this week 😅