In arguments Thursday, the justices will, for the first time, wrestle with a constitutional provision that was adopted after the Civil War to prevent former officeholders who “engaged in insurrection” from reclaiming power.

The case is the court’s most direct involvement in a presidential election since Bush v. Gore, a decision delivered a quarter-century ago that effectively delivered the 2000 election to Republican George W. Bush. It comes to a court that has been buffeted by criticism over ethics, which led the justices to adopt their first code of conduct in November, and at a time when public approval of the court is diminished, at near-record lows in surveys.

The dispute stems from the push by Republican and independent voters in Colorado to kick Trump off the state’s Republican primary ballot because of his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss to Democrat Joe Biden, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

  • Snot Flickerman
    861 year ago

    Referencing Bush v. Gore is like they’re just asking for the wrong decision.

    • @MyPornViewingAccount
      681 year ago

      This corrupt court is going to make the wrong decision regardless.

      “It takes a lot of money to have the constitution interpreted correctly.”

      • @inb4_FoundTheVegan
        1 year ago

        It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

        -Upton Sinclair

    • @afraid_of_zombies
      221 year ago

      Would not worry, they will make the wrong decision anyway.

      Just going to have to accept that the Roberts Court is going to act like this until it is fixed. Don’t assume good faith when you see red flags.

      • Orbituary
        131 year ago

        The only way to fix it right now is to increase members, get a majority, then set rolling term limits.