• mozz
    18 months ago

    Whataboutism says what

    I know one guy who got to stay in the US under DACA, and I know one guy who was fighting a legal battle to stay in the country when Obama came into office, and he said fighting his case got easier under Obama. He’s still here now (he stayed in limbo for a pretty extended length of time, and eventually got married which resolved the issue).

    I am not an expert. I don’t know which column of this table the second guy would fit into, or whether the huge reductions in the second column mean that the “deporter in chief” nickname is an unfair characterization based on the relatively-smaller increases in the first column. I just know he said his case got easier.

    What do you know about it? What are your sources of information?

    • Sybil
      18 months ago

      it’s not whataboutism to say Obama deported, killed, and tortured people. it’s a fact, and it’s relevant when discussing his legacy.

      • mozz
        8 months ago

        What are your sources of information, specifically about his deportations and his immigration policy? Are you basing this on “everyone knows” type of knowledge, and finding it superior to someone relaying to you (edit: firsthand) secondhand knowledge and a cited source with an argument?

        • Sybil
          18 months ago

          feels like you’re asking me whether I’m believing statistics over your anecdotes. I am. I am believing statistics over your anecdotes.

          • mozz
            8 months ago

            Okay, so you don’t have a deep familiarity with the topic. It’s okay, I’m not really an expert either. But, I’ve looked at the full statistics (I sent you a table), which add some extremely important facts to the “deporter-in-chief” quick one-liner criticism. And also, I have some secondhand experience with it, which is usually a pretty valuable thing to have when the anecdotes are used in addition to statistics.

            So, where did you get your information? Is it just that you know the term “deporter-in-chief” and that deportations went up, because everyone knows those things, and that’s it as far as what you know about the topic?

            • Sybil
              18 months ago

              you don’t have a deep familiarity with the topic


            • Sybil
              18 months ago

              don’t be condescending

              • mozz
                18 months ago

                Fair enough. If I apologize, will you answer the question I asked three times already, and address the statistics I sent and what I said about it?

                • Sybil
                  18 months ago

                  an apology is due regardless of whether i give into your petulant demands.

                  • mozz
                    8 months ago

                    I’m gonna take that as confirmation that you do, in fact, know literally one fact about Obama’s whole immigration policy, and you’re just planning to aggressively repeat it to other people and tell them that that’s all they need to know about it, too.

                    Best of luck