This was a 2.25 MB mp4 file, but you can’t upload that to lemmy of course - but you can cut shitloads out and convert to a 4 MB gif - which it’ll accept and turn into a webm file, so Christ knows how it’ll play on various clients.
Anyway, the vid is nicked from here
Unrelated: I am using Boost for Lemmy and gifs don’t play. Any ideas?
Just viewed this Community in Boost. It handles actual GIF, WEBP, and MP4 (aka GIFV) okay. But lemmy in it’s infinite wisdom has converted this into a webm file, which it doesn’t look like Boost knows what to do with.
Let’s try an inline link:
Yeah. That sort-of works in Boost. Have to click it, but it plays in a new screen after it’s had a little think.