Alt Text (By pk2317 on AO3)

Image 1

Panel 1

(The Hexsquad is inside of a large room, possibly in a police station. On the back wall is a billboard with several small pieces of paper on it. The Mysterious Stranger/old Golden Guard is sitting on a bench with his elbow resting on the back. Hunter is standing and talking to Willow, facing away from us, while Vee, Luz, and Amity are standing separately in a small circle talking)

Hunter: It’s my fault Gus got captured.

Panel 2

(Closer in on just Willow and Hunter. Willow is holding Hunter’s hand with both of hers and looking at him in a comforting manner)

Willow: Hunter.

Hunter: If only I was more careful…

Panel 3

(Same as before but now Willow is looking downcast)

Willow: I failed him, too.

Hunter: What, how?

Panel 4

(Plain background with just Willow looking down sadly)

Willow: You two woudn’t be overwhelmed if I came along.

Panel 5

(Swapped perspective where we now see Hunter’s face from over Willow’s shoulder)

Willow: But I insisted on going to practice-

Hunter: There was no way you could predict that.

Panel 6

(Hunter pauses and looks to the side as something catches his attention)

Panel 7

(We see the old Golden Guard sitting on the bench with a bored look on his face. He is blowing a puff of air with a [PFFFF-] sound effect)

Image 2

Panel 1

(The old Guard’s eyes go wide with surprise)

Panel 2

(The old Guard quickly turns his head away)

Panel 3

(Plain background with Hunter and Willow. Hunter places his arms on Willow’s shoulders and looks to the side with an annoyed expression)

Hunter: I’ll be right back.

Panel 4

(Hunter is walking over to the bench with the old Guard seated on it)

Hunter: So, you are a former Golden Guard, right?

Panel 5

(Swapped perspective where we now see Hunter from over the Guard’s shoulder. His arms are crossed and he has an interested look on his face. In the background we see Willow has joined Luz, Amity, and Vee)

Hunter: What’s your story?

Panel 6

(Blank background with just the old Guard sitting on the bench. He has a grumpy expression)

Old Guard: No much to tell, really.

Panel 7

(Wide shot of the bridge where the Hexsquad faced off against Belos in King’s Tide. There is a black shadowed outline of Belos lifting up a struggling Golden Guard by the neck)

Old Guard: I betrayed Belos, got thrown into the pit and survived.

Image 3

Panel 1

(Back in the police station, we see Hunter with his arms crossed)

Old Guard (off-panel): Then I went ino hiding until now.

Panel 2

Hunter: What’s your name?

Panel 3

(The old Guard looks away conspicuously)

Panel 4

(The old Guard looks back with narrowed eyes)

Old Guard: Bob.

Panel 5

(Hunter shrugs his shoulders and looks to the side with an annoyed expression)

Hunter: If you don’t want to tell me, then fine.

“Bob” (off-panel): That is my name.

Panel 6

(Blank background with just Bob on the bench and Hunter standing next to him. An unidentified voice is speaking from off panel)

Voice (off-panel): Everyone.

Panel 7

(We see the voice belongs to Darius. He is standing in a doorway and holding a blue piece of paper with some indistinguishable writing on it)

Darius: I’ve got a message from the Devouts, and it says-

Image 4

Panel 1

(Darius paues, his attention caught by something to the side)

Panel 2

(Bob is sitting on the bench with an unfazed expression)

Panel 3

(Blank background with just Bob on the bench, pointing to himself)

Bob: Nah, I’m the one before that.

Panel 4

(Darius is nonplussed)

Darius: Oh.

Panel 5

(Darius is reading off the paper in his hands)

Darius: It says, “Hand over the Grimwalker, or his friend will be executed.”

Panel 6

(Hunter, Willow, Luz, Amity, and Vee all have determined faces)

Darius (off-panel): “You have 48 hours.”

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Full credit to Makmark/MoringMark. You can find him here: Tumblr | R*ddit | Instagram | Deviantart | Ko-fi

  • SpookyAlex03
    49 months ago

    I am now reading Bob’s lines in the voice of Scruffy, the Janitor from Futurama