>be me
>want to be cool so i go out to buy undercarriage lights for my car
>also don’t want to be pulled over so i check laws in my state
>buy lights and install them
>next day get pulled over on highway
>sheriff tells me lights are illegal in county
>get ticket
>look up city laws
>look up county laws
>look up laws in neighboring county that i pass on way to work before rejoining my county
>decide to go buy weed because clearly i’m high and smoked it all
>go to dispensary in my city
>medical only
>city opted out of recreational
mfw i have no face
Every law is posted online. If there are exceptions those are also posted.
What are you smoking?
>be me
>want to be cool so i go out to buy undercarriage lights for my car
>also don’t want to be pulled over so i check laws in my state
>buy lights and install them
>next day get pulled over on highway
>sheriff tells me lights are illegal in county
>get ticket
>look up city laws
>look up county laws
>look up laws in neighboring county that i pass on way to work before rejoining my county
>decide to go buy weed because clearly i’m high and smoked it all
>go to dispensary in my city
>medical only
>city opted out of recreational
mfw i have no face