Hello everyone, what are some loadouts/weapons you use that aren’t normally used much that mix the game up a bit. For me I’ve started using:

  • scout:shortstop/backscatter,critacola,wrap assassin
  • soldier: direct hit, buff banner, riding crop
  • pyro: backburner, thermal thruster, backscratcher
  • demo: iron bomber, chargin targe, claymore
  • heavy: dont know any fun non standard builds other than fat scout
  • engie: widowmaker, wrangler, eureka effect
  • medic: dont know any good changes
  • sniper: sydney sleeper, cleaners carbine, bushwaka
  • spy: dont know any good ones but there can be interesting arguments for the red tape recorder

What are your favorite “non standard” loadouts and why?

  • Persian Persuader Demo Knight. It is less consistent but boy does it feel great to get that streak of charging from enemy to enemy and having cleared the entire back of the enemy team.