• ReCursing
    108 months ago

    I fucking hate this meme, published campaigns have their place but they are not better, and often times are worse, than homebrewed campaigns because they are not fitted to the players

    • @chetradleyOP
      88 months ago

      Agreed for the most part. You’ll still have the same situation in a published campaign where the players may be more interested in “side content” than the intended path (maybe more so since published campaigns tend to have specific things players need to do to move the story forward). I’ve personally run published adventures that very quickly veered into homebrew just because the players had different motivations than what the adventure path assumed.

      Anyway, I think the original post was more of a generalized observation and wasn’t specifically meant to say published campaigns are better or worse than homebrew.

    • @Toastedpickles431
      28 months ago

      As you said they have their place. I don’t think every campaign had to be 100% customized to the players. Twinkle the banished necromancer doesn’t belong in Waterdeep Dragon Heist, but the player can make a character that would fit within that setting.

      If you want it 100% then you can jam a character peice into a campaign puzzle if you really want to. It just requires work.