I’m so fucking irritable right now, every little thing is annoying me and my chest is tight, I keep clenching my teeth. I’m very familiar with these things, these are how my body is telling me “go smoke a ciggy”

Problem is, I haven’t done that for a year and a half. I’ve had this happen before, sometimes years on into my quittings, its always random and it’s always insufferable, like I’m a former psychonaut who accidentally cracked his spine 20 years later. Does this happen to anyone else out there? Any tips? I had a glass of wine but it didn’t help take the edge off much

  • @MrJameGumb
    21 year ago

    I still vape but I haven’t had a real cigarette in almost a decade and I still get cravings for them when I’m stressed. Whenever I think about buying a pack I try to remember waking up coughing up phlegm every morning, getting winded from even a little bit of exercise, and how I used to get sick way more often and I can talk myself out of it

    • @OhmsLawn
      21 year ago

      Essentially the same story and timeframe, but no independent cravings. I do occasionally smell one, a good one that takes me right back to high school. Those are the only tempting moments for me.

    • Apathy Tree
      21 year ago

      I’ve tried them a few times over the years when out at bars when my vape died, after vaping for… fuck since like 2009 or so? Real early on. Can’t manage to give up that habit but… meh.

      They are quite honestly terrible. Super sickening (like wicked strong urge to vomit on the first small drag even if you don’t fully inhale it sort of sickening) because they are so so much stronger than a vape. Plus they taste like shit. Very unappealing to actually do after quitting so long ago. So you can add that to your reasons not to do it. :)

      I had way more of an issue the first time I quit, made it like just over a year and it was easy to go back. This is much different.