Hi all, thought I’d start the battlestation posts up here since I just did this recently! I can’t upload two pictures apparently (or can’t figure out how to) so sorry, just the front is getting posted lol.

  • @RojaBunnyOP
    12 years ago

    Good to know! I heard that imgur is no longer a thing though I don’t know why, which cramped my posting now that this app I’m using doesn’t have an intuitive multi-photo upload.

    • @TeaHands
      22 years ago

      Yeah I’ve still been using Imgur because I have an old account but I know other people from the UK can’t sign up these days because it doesn’t accept our phone numbers for verification, or something? And then I heard vague grumblings about them changing some “policy” but honestly no idea. If it’s bad I’m sure some consensus alternative will rear its head soon enough!