I’ve been watching the 02 - 06 seasons back through on F1TV Archives, and occasionally the audio will drop or there won’t be any sound from a driver radio or pitbox interview, but it’s usually pretty rare. However, I’m watching the first race of the '18 season at the moment, and the audio is really weird. It’s seemingly slightly desynced, and the commentary cuts out often. The actual car sound is near-silent, too!

I’m wondering if it’s just me?

  • RayquetzalcoatlOP
    11 year ago

    Weirdly enough, I took a look in the Audio Track settings and found that setting it to “FX” instead of “English” gave me better track noise and actually played the radio messages, but obviously without the commentary. Not sure why they split those two tracks for the 18 season, because the 19 season seems totally fine!

    • @tauonite
      11 year ago

      I checked and it’s the same for me, on both the F1TV website and with MultiViewer. Might be worth reporting that to F1TV, if that even is possible.