I’m thinking about upgrading my relays and previously got recommendations for Qubino Mini but they don’t seem to be available anymore.

What smart relays do you use? Preferably those that can both be used with and without the dimmer function. For the Partner-approval-factor it should of course be usable without the smart functions as well.

  • @lemming741
    31 year ago

    Ultimate partner-approval-factor is Lutron Caseta. The Diva line is what I used.

    • tjhart85
      1 year ago

      We had two of the dumb versions in the kitchen and I was forbidden to install anything smart in there until I found something similar. Then a year later, they made the smart version.

      10/10 would recommend, it’s expensive since you’ll also need a hub, but I’ve had less issues with them than my Hue’s at this point.

      I’ve got a z-wave dimmer and every now and then it’ll just flip out and start dimming the light for no reason (goes to 1% and then rises to 100%) and needs to be power cycled to fix.
      I’ve got my Kasa dimmers, but they just feel cheap. I’ve started hiding those away for locations they’re not really needed to be touched (attic lights, closet lights, etc…)

      OP – I would whole heartedly second @lemming741 's recommendation. They’re very good and very intuitive to use in a non-smart fashion as well.

      ETA: I’ve had internet die and they continued working as well.