• krellor
    1 year ago

    I gave my kid a BB gun, but it stays in a safe. I also gave my son a pocket knife for camping that stays in my night stand unless we are camping.

    You can give something to a kid without letting them have unsupervised access. I gave my kids steam decks, but limit their screen time.

    I agree the original comment lacked specificity. You could gift a gun in a responsible or irresponsible way, and I’ve seen both.

    Edit: and the comment about gifting a rifle also mentioned that in their personal situation they had to have a parent to use it.

    • @MotoAsh
      1 year ago

      Indeed, and that’s exactly what they’d be evaluated on. Responsible gun ownership should be the only kind of ownership protected under the 2a. Responsible gun ownership should not include sole ownership by those that cannot even join the military.

      Maaaybe under odd edge cases where a kid gets to be their own guardian, but eh.