This Saturday I’ll participate in a charity run where you find people sponsoring you and they will donate based on how many laps (400m) you manage to run in 2 hours.

My longest run so far was a 10 km run with a pace of 5:30 (very exhausted afterwards) and once with a pace of 6:15 (felt like I could have gone another 30 mins, however my HR steadily climbed from around 160 to 180 at the end).

My two questions to you experienced runners:

  1. What would a good strategy for running the longest distance possible in 2 hours?
  2. Is my HR an issue? It didn’t seem to really stabilize and was around 180 for the last 10 mins. Will it plateau if I run more than the 60 mins or will I run out of energy before?

PS: I know running that long without proper training might be stupid but I’m determined to make my sponsors pay.

  • @sirnakOP
    11 year ago

    Legs are fine but two of my toe nails look like they won’t make it to the end of the week :D

    • Roman
      11 year ago

      @sirnak yes, this is the problem for me too after each long run. Don’t know what to do to avoid the toe problem 🤔

      • @sirnakOP
        11 year ago

        Shoes that are too large can be a problem, as you’ll try to “grab” the shoes with your toes without even noticing.

        • @davidalso
          21 year ago

          It was the opposite for me. I had to switch to running in one size larger than my regular shoes.