Here’s something I wrote over a year ago. It’s still relevant now as we should have a new Crow film sometime this year. This is the story of how long it’s taken to get this far.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Nice article. I hope we do finally get a new film. I made my two sons watch the original last year and they loved it. We also tried to watch the sequals. I slept thru them all. A reboot that is worthy of the original would be worth a trip the the theater.

    • UKFilmNerdOPM
      21 year ago

      A new reboot starring Bill Skarsgård was filmed in Prague and Munich back in 2022.

      It’s been picked up by Lionsgate Films and I expect the first we’ll hear of it is when the poster arrives.

      • @Son_of_dad
        11 year ago

        I wish we got more Gustaf Skarsgard on this side of the world, he’s so good, I wish he was in everything.

    • @Anticorp
      01 year ago

      Why do you hope we get a new one? I feel like the original was perfect as it was, and is a snapshot of a moment in our past where the mood of that movie was prevalent throughout society. Remaking it now just seems like a soulless cash grab.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Because I like to experience new things. Theres nothing wrong woth paying for entertainment.

        • @Anticorp
          11 year ago

          But you wouldn’t be experiencing a new thing. You’d be experiencing the same thing done a slightly different way. I’m not judging you, I’ve just never understood why people enjoy reboots. Most of them are considerably worse. Like Point Break was an amazing movie. If they ever tried to reboot that - which they have definitely never done and no reboot exists, nor will it ever exist - then the reboot would almost certainly be worse. Same for Red Dawn. My question wasn’t meant to be a dig at you, it was an honest question trying to understand your perspective since you’re looking forward to the reboot. Reboots like Spider-Man, or Batman, where they considerably change the tone, the stories, and come up with fresh ideas make sense. Those are pretty much new creations. But for something like The Crow, it’ll probably be the exact same story, just with changed social values and different actors.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            Or a reboot could dig deeper into the comic and bring out an aspect that we havent seen yet. Or they could just redo the exact story with updated actors and cgi. It will either be a big disappointment or a decent movie. Whichever results, I will have seen and experiemced something slightly different with my wife. At my age, anything is something to talk about.