Doesn’t using mode just make a lot more sense? You are much more likely to be the mode than you are likely to be average in the mean class

[Originally said average in the title, fixed thanks to jbrains]

  • Rentlar
    131 year ago

    It all depends on how it is distributed, discretely or continuously, and mode tends to fail the most often which is why it’s rarely used.

    If you asked a random group of people what their annual salary was, you may get many answers of “zero” or something round like “100k/six figs,”, which would become the mode which doesn’t accurately represent a middle value.

    If you ask a group of working people (to remove zero) to give their last year’s post-tax salary to the nearest cent as close as possible, then there is a good possibility there is no mode, as everyone has a different exact salary, due to taking different benefits, hours, tax obligations and so on.