I seriously cannot have any degree of nuanced conversation here.

Like I get it, we all know capitalism is bad, but it feels like every time I or anyone go towards discussing the steps that need to be taken to address current looming problems in the short term, someone has to jump in and shut it down with "capitalism bad >:[ " and tear down any idea presented because its not complete and total destruction of the current economic model.

The result just feels like an echo chamber where no actual solutions get presented other than someone posting whole ass dissertations on their 33-step (where 30/33 steps are about as vague as “we’ll just handle it”) plan to fully convert the world to an anarchist commune.

Edit: I still vastly prefer Lemmy and the fediverse and a whole, my complaint here is that many of you are TOO INTENSE. You blow up small scale discussion.

  • @TropicalDingdong
    88 months ago

    I completely agree. However, I also think its better than ‘most’ internet places.

    There is a down-vote brigade around any kind of criticism of a knee jerk reaction people are having to a headline. I think because of the current political climate, nuance around responsibility for the state of things simply isn’t suffered, which I do understand the sentiment. However, I’ve also been pleasantly surprised at the number of 3+ deep comment threads, which seems to be about where the nuance appears.

    Its really the knee jerk downvoters and one line commenters who do actually lack critical thinking skills, but this isn’t unique to lemmy. Its all over, hackernews has them too, there is simply a larger effort to ‘appear smart’ on hn than lemmy. Lemmy is more casual, which is fine. This is a space for casual discussion, and hot takes are fine and should be welcome.

    I’ll use a political example, such as my concern around how much water carrying I see for groups like congressional Democrats. If you push back on something coming from NYT as being a ‘Democratic win’, you’ll be very quickly downvoted below 50%. However, I don’t think the lack of nuance is because of lemmy or the demographic here. I think its from a place of real fear around what might happen if the US loses its democracy to fascism that is generally palpable across the internet and offline as well. People are materially very afraid, and reacting without nuance right now, and I think the fear is justified. However, if we want to find solutions, we need to maintain a clear head and keep discussions happening. Its open forums like Lemmy where opinions are made and nuanced developed; there needs to be space for that.

    This same point can be extended to issues around global war, climate change, the rise of global fascism, the usurping of generations of potential by the oligarchical class, any of the innumerable ills we are currently staring down the barrel of. Its a stressful time and people are rightfully scared and worried. Scared worried people don’t do nuance. They react. Up for things they think they agree with, down for things they don’t. No nuance.

    Largely I agree with the point, but I don’t think its a lemmy thing in the current climate.

    • @RedAggroBestOP
      48 months ago

      I like your point about a place of fear. I did an edit to clarify that I still think the Fediverse beats other social media and my complaint is a criticism coming from a place of love. It’s very hard to continue wanting to engage in low-level discussion around issue when I know someone is about to take it over with either some grand (in scale, not concept) statement about the issue, or abject defeatism.

    • @bmsok
      18 months ago

      It’s becoming way more difficult to introduce nuanced news to a mass audience.

      People aren’t informed outside of their own bubble. I’m self aware enough to seek out all sides of the story. Even if it means I have to learn an opposing viewpoint.

      I hate having content suggested and ‘curated’ for me on every single platform. It’s a divisive echo chamber.