• @Son_of_dad
    08 months ago

    As a Canadian playing Devil’s advocate, if he’s blocked from running, you may have blood on the streets and a full on armed insurrection, which may be what’s needed so those willing to overturn democracy in support of Trump, get stomped. But yeah, people might die no? Anyways it seems like a lose lose situation

    • @SkyezOpen
      58 months ago

      I’d prefer a peaceful outcome, but there’s a level of brain rot you just can’t fix. I had almost daily political discussions with a coworker who was far right and listened to fox News every day and I genuinely saw progress with his critical thinking skills. But then he retired and went off the deep end and got banned from Facebook for his rants about the EVIL LIBERALS.

    • @Maggoty
      48 months ago

      They won’t go out en masse. A few might try something but that’s already happening.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      Oh no … Anyways

      Why should I care that the MAGAt gravy seal wing of y’all qaida get drone striked into oblivion?

      They’re anti-american traitors, draping themselves in the American flag.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        There are a number of armed, in shape crazies, they’re just better at staying low. Go shooting for the hell of it some saturday at a range, look for the “Molon Abbe” stickers and tattoos. They’ll lose… they always do. But they will be almost as violent as a normal day in the US

        • @Maggoty
          18 months ago

          Most of them aren’t aware of what the modern battlefield is like. That’s great that they’re in shape. It isn’t going to save them from the Apache helicopter or Predator drone. If by some miracle they get a straight up fight with an infantry unit they’re going to find the meaning of some terms the hard way, like Singing Machineguns, Shake and Bake, and Shift Fire.

          The ones that are aware are either suicidal or will only show up long enough to see if they can split the military.