• @ocassionallyaduck
    58 months ago

    I mean… Watch the video? It uses 64 fucking cores when available. It’s a heavily multithreaded game.

    • Encrypt-Keeper
      48 months ago

      CS2 uses multiple cores for… something, but it’s a Unity game and there’s only so much you can do to avoid dependence on a main thread. Your single core perforemance is still going to be a limiting factor.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        CS2 uses a design paradigm called Entity Component System, which allows for aggressive multi core utilization by splitting up game logic into self contained “systems” that operate on a subset of “Components” per “Entity”. This allows for data dependencies to be statically analyzed and a scheduler to maximize CPU Utilization thanks to the better separated workflows.

        It uses DOTS from Unity to accomplish this. There is a small bottleneck in communicating this work back to the game’s renderer, but it is doing a lot of valuable work with all those cores.The communication with the renderer and their rendering implementation sucks right now and thats where the performance tanks.

        I am very aware of how at some level there are less multicore workloads involved but a CPU core can do a metric shitload of work, it’s the RAM and GPU transfers that kill performance. We dont need to blame Unity here, they are fucking this up 100% themselves.

        Theres a video that explains all this but I cant find it and thats pretny annoying so whatever.

        • @arin
          18 months ago

          Wasn’t most of the frame latency caused by shaders in graphics? There was a deep dive video but i forgot the title and YouTuber