by far my favorite console of all time since i first got it, i love pretty much everything on it. someone actually ported a game to the gamecube in the modern day (albeit it needs Swiss, a homebrew app to run) and it’s just so cool to see that it refuses to die

  • SpacemanSpiff
    12 years ago

    Right there with ya! GameCube has always been my favorite. It also has the best iterations of Kart and Smash imo. I’ve recently been acquiring more GBA games to play on the adapter which is a fun time.

    A tip for anyone who has the DOL-001 version with the digital output: you can easily get and adapter to HDMI, and there’s a company that now makes a USB-drive sized signal processor that does some upscaling and anti-aliasing. I’m now able to play on my 4k TV with a 1080p signal. Anyone feel free to DM me for the details!

    I’m not saying a big old CRT isn’t still the best experience, but this lets me play on my main TV which is great for party games.