You know how a lot of people say they would love to contribute to Free Software but can’t code? No more! Become a KDE Booth Buddy and help out at ScaLE!
This is @druonysus and he needs help managing the KDE booth at Scale 21x.[email protected]/111887967308318720
If you are located in or visiting the Los Angeles area on the days of the event, DM Drew so you can just turn up and help!
@Bro666 My second to last install of Fedora which broke when I uninstalled some Kmail adjacent package. (Kcontacts among others.)
But you’re right, uninstalling Kmail itself doesn’t break Plasma.
Note that uninstalling (or choosing to not install) any part of KDE PIM (KMail, Kontact, Korganiser, Akonadi, etc.) should not affect Plasma or any other of its components*. if it does, you should notify your distro, because that is a bug in the packaging.
* For example, the calendar that pops up when you click the digital clock in the panel, should not be broken. It just won’t show events or tasks from KDE PIM… Because PIM isn’t there. Otherwise it should be fine.