They say to err is human. We can be caught off-guard in a number of different ways as accidents seem to be able to spring up from anything. However, some of the things we mention as accidents often inspire question marks in peoples’ head as they don’t come off as things that couldn’t arise as intentional, for one reason or another. A lot of those old “what would you do if you accidentally ____” anime memes come to mind.

The other day, someone was talking about accidentally showing up for church taking off their outerwear (it’s etiquette to not wear that while in church) only to realize afterward they forgot to put on a shirt, which meant they realized they were bare. People seemed amazed that this could be “a slip” but then it would seem the idea of “out of sight out of mind” put it all into context when discussed the right way (in a wardrobe way) and everyone suddenly sunk it in. It’s amazing how one thing changes everything if one gets what I mean.

What’s the most “unimaginable accident” you’ve ever had?

  • _NoName_
    1 year ago

    Not a perfect fit but anyway.

    I remember at one point getting home from work and realizing my phone wasn’t in my pocket so I started searching for it. The overhead light in my car wasnt bright enough so I used my phone light to look between the seats. I did not realize I had had my phone in my hand for another 5-ish minutes.

    Phone not in pocket- phone in hand.