I always believed that there were none, but on a rewatch of QI, I learned there are actually two:

  • Hurple / hirple: To limp (verb) or a limping gait (noun)
  • Curple: A strap under the girth of a horse’s saddle to stop the saddle from kicking forward.

YouTube: QI | What Rhymes With Purple?

  • Admiral PatrickOP
    1 year ago

    He left at the end of the 13th season. Not entirely sure why: whether he was getting bored with it or wanted to move on, but I do recall he had some health problems around that time. Possibly a combination.

    Sandi Toksvig, the current host, is Danish (she’s not subtle about that at all. lol). She was a guest several times when Fry was hosting and took over after his departure. She’s lived a, pardon the pun, quite interesting life, so she brings as much to the table as Stephen did.

    I think she’s doing a great job. It took about half of her first season for her to really hit her stride, but she’s definitely in the right chair.