I have been taking Cymbalta 60mg and I have noticed its benefits wearing off both physically and mentally. It used to be that when I missed a dose, I would feel “fuzzy,” almost like lightheadedness but without the headache, more like a rush of blood that makes me feel that way. Now even when I take the proper dosage, I feel this way. Is there a better term for this symptom than “fuzzy?” In more detail, I will have this kind of rushing heaviness for only a second; it goes through my whole body, mostly my head down through my torso. I will have times when I experience microscopic blackouts, where I will very briefly not remember what happened merely a couple of minutes ago. Thank you for cooperating with this very vague description.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    I don’t know how to describe it, but I always called them brain shocks. I don’t know if it’s what you’re experiencing, but in my experience, they’re caused by SSRI/NI/etc. withdrawal. I actually had a really bad experience with Cymbalta in which I was getting them even before it was time for the next dose, and then all the time, among other issues. Everyone’s body reacts to things differently, but for me Cymbalta was a nightmare.