• @roofuskit
    8 months ago

    I see the campaign to suppress the Democrat vote is in full swing.

    The only thing that gets Trump elected is people not voting. Whether the GOP or Putin, this is somebody’s propaganda.

    • @gmtom
      278 months ago

      You can see a comment from the OP talking about how he used to have 2 million karma on reddit.

      It’s honestly kinda sad to look at, like when you see those documentaries about hoarders or other people that have wasted their lives away to some nonsense but are so committed to it they can’t even understand that it’s not a good thing.

      • mozz
        148 months ago

        Also the central premise “I can’t possibly be a shill! I was active on Reddit” has a fairly obvious logical flaw

    • GladiusB
      138 months ago

      It’s still really early. I agree everyone needs to vote. But I hate how it feels like Christmas advertising for a year solid and if you know what you are going to vote for it’s really overwhelming to keep up with it all.

    • mozz
      28 months ago

      A big part of getting Trump 1 elected was their much more effective promo campaign on Facebook. This morning I opened Youtube without being logged in, and 2 of those initial 6 videos it showed me were weird no-name channels showing some sort of presentation of Trump being heroic, “organically.”

      It’d be weird if they didn’t have at least some small section of their operation devoted to finding where the leftists hang out on the internet and posting lots of “don’t-vote-it-doesn’t-matter” material. It’s literally something one person can do in spare time between other things.

    • sphericth0r
      -118 months ago

      Or the agenda of individuals sick of the false dichotomy who want neither asshat

      • @Burninator05
        138 months ago

        It’s ok to not want either but it’s pretty clear which is worse for the world and it’s the one that is encouraging Russia to attack NATO members who they perceive as not pulling their own weight.

        Funnily enough that’s the same one that looked at a picture of the perdon they were getting sued by (who was sitting in the same room) and thought it was their ex-wife.

        • sphericth0r
          08 months ago

          As long as people become trapped in the choice between which one is worse they will be trapped by the false dichotomy. Neither is good, let’s seek better alternatives.

          • @Burninator05
            68 months ago

            Seeking better alternatives is absolutely what we should do but a general election isn’t the time to do that. The general election is the time to pick which of the two turds is better.

            If we really want change at the national level we have to start locally. If a third party candidate wins the presidential election without support in Congress they will have a disastrous term.

      • mozz
        78 months ago

        In what possible sense is Trump vs. Biden a “false” dichotomy

        • @[email protected]
          68 months ago

          People who are under the delusion that their favorite third party candidate can actually win believe some weird shit.

            • @Pipoca
              28 months ago

              Not particularly, but I can at least recognize that electing a third party practically requires getting rid of the electoral college.

              If no one gets a majority of EC votes, the winner is picked by the house of representatives. So any third party president needs to get a majority of the vote in a majority of states to win. No third party candidate has ever come remotely close to that.

              Under STAR, score, condorcet or IRV? It’s unlikely but possible. With the EC? It’s essentially impossible.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            28 months ago

            I’m writing in Taylor Swift because she’s going to shake off the world’s problems and make me First Gentleman.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          Only one of these two has promised “to be a dictator from day one.” I’ll give you a hint. It’s the same one who said that he’ll encourage Russia to attack NATO countries if he feels that they’re not pulling their weight. It’s the same one whose party released a more than 900 page manifesto last year that included the total destruction of state’s rights so that the federal government can punish state employees who don’t uphold the federal “Don’t Say Gay” law also included in the manifesto, as well as a list of 50,000 federal workers to be replaced with party loyalists.

          That’s not the same as not doing enough to fight climate change, not forgiving all student loans, and not having strong enough sanctions against Israel. Oh yeah, the other one opposes doing all 3 of those things at all and, in fact, wants to loosen restrictions on fossil fuel companies and increase the use of oil and coal while decreasing the use of green energy.

          I hope Russia pays you well, at least.

          • mozz
            48 months ago

            I am saying there’s a real dichotomy between them

            I.e. a difference (in this case about as stark a difference as you could possibly imagine in a wildly exaggerated dystopian fantasy)

            I.e. I am saying what you are saying