I finished building my PC recently. when I turn on the monitor when the computer isn’t on, there’s obviously no signal and I see the bouncing logo, but when the computer is on, it says that there is no signal, and that my monitor is going into standby mode, and the display turns off. my gpu seems to be working fine, and I reseated my ram. What should I do?

  • @Lime66OP
    11 year ago

    Oh that’s great, I’ll see if it works

    • @Exulion
      11 year ago

      Did that happen to work for you?

      • @Lime66OP
        11 year ago

        No, still have no display and apparently have no boot device which is weird since I wrote fedora onto my usb drive

          • @Lime66OP
            21 year ago

            MSI mpg b650 wifi ATX Sapphire pure 7800xt Amd ryzen 7600x 32gb Corsair vengeance ddr5