Went to a movie theater and saw a trailer for a movie where I was interested in the first 30 seconds of it, but the trailer then showed what looked like something probably from the last 10 minutes and spoiled the entire movie, so lost all interest.

So what movies come to mind as having done really good, where it makes you interested and gives you an idea of the movie, but doesn’t ruin any big reveals?

  • Ech
    18 months ago

    For one, tons of people learn about “well known” movies for the first time literally every day. The world isn’t some static thing were everyone knows everything all the time. Furthermore, what’s so hard about just typing “spoiler warning about [x movie]” before talking about critical plot elements? Just a quick heads up to people that are being cautious about it. It’s such a minor thing to do just to be thoughtful, and people always freak out about the suggestion as if it’s some monumental task.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      I mean, I get it, it’s a nice thing to do. People who do it care about others. But the flip side of that isn’t “these people don’t care about others.” It’s just that it’s not expected after a while. See what I’m saying?

      You’re right, it’s a nice thing to do. But it’s not really something we can get up in arms over after a certain point.

      • Ech
        -28 months ago

        You might wanna use spoilers tag

        Wow, yeah. That really is just unhinged. How dare they have said something like that? 🙄

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          …it’s a nice thing to do. People who do it care about others…It’s just that it’s not expected after a while

          Um…did you read what I said?

          • Ech
            -28 months ago

            but expecting the rest of the world to cater to that is unreasonable

            But it’s not really something we can get up in arms over after a certain point.

            Yes, I did. You’re very committed to painting a basic, mild request as something pointless and unreasonable to ask of others, which is so backwards it’s absurd. Thinking for 2 seconds about how what you say can affect those around you isn’t some big ask. It shouldn’t even have to be asked. It should be bog standard for anyone interacting in society.

            • @[email protected]
              18 months ago

              lol you’re _sure_you read what I said?

              Because I advocated for doing it. Multiple times. But I also said it’s reasonable to not expect it after a certain point.

              Let me word it slightly differently, see if you can wrap your head around my position on it this way: “It’s a good thing to do for others. I’m all for it. But not everyone thinks of others that way. And it’s not helpful getting up in arms because while, yes, it’s a nice, considerate thing to do for people, people on the whole aren’t nice and considerate. Getting upset about it won’t change that.”

              We shouldn’t have to ask people to grow their garbage in the can, or to say “please” and “thank you.” Or to not drive dangerously, to not disrespect other people’s property. If you spend all of your time bemoaning the fact that these things don’t happen, you’ll drive yourself crazy. Assume everyone is inconsiderate, and be pleasantly surprised when people are. Not upset when they aren’t. You’ll be much happier.

              • Ech
                18 months ago

                You might wanna use spoilers tag

                Please elaborate on how that is being “up in arms”. That’s literally all they said before users like you came in to frame the very act of asking as “unreasonable”. Then you started getting upset replies like mine, because that’s some backwards bs. If you’re so invested in people being happier, maybe don’t advocate so heavily for complacency and callousness. The world already has enough of that crap.

                • @[email protected]
                  18 months ago

                  I’m not advocating. Do you know what “advocating” means? Because it’s very much the opposite of what I did. You gone, friend.