So I am thinking of deloading this week as I have been plateauing on my lifts, especially the pulling ones, and definitely feeling a bit fatigued, recovery times don’t seem to be great either, especially on legs, however I also have been feeling under the weather lately, and my finals are approaching as well, so I am a bit busy as well, so I was wondering whether a one week deload will be effective under these conditions, or maybe should i extend it to two, or even take some extra rest days (which I don’t like tbh, the gym kinda keeps the rhythm).

  • @hightrix
    1 year ago

    I’m no expert, but I like to workout in cycles. When I’m lifting heavy and start to plateau, I will tend to switch to a high rep lower weight program for 2-4 weeks. Then start back on heavy lifting, starting a bit lower and working my way back up.

    It works for me, but everyone is different. Good luck in your journey!

    Edit: when I’m feeling sick, I’ll take really light days. Stretch only, or do some very light weights. I try not to push it while sick and prefer to just rest.