Just very recently started playing. Watched a bunch of videos, so in theory, I have an ok basis to go off for the game and stuff, but in all of them it’s been recommend that you don’t queue solo - even a random partner is going to be better than none, they said.

That said, how long do I usually have to wait? I’ve been sitting there waiting and waiting and nothing seems to be happening. Is Hunt on console just not played enough to find me a partner quicker? Do I have to reach a certain level first?

Appreciate it.

  • DruidOP
    21 year ago

    I have barely a clue what any of this means :D those are perks, right?

    Outside of perks, am I fine sticking to solo in the beginning, or should I find someone to show me the ropes?

    • @Moghul
      1 year ago

      Yes, necromancer and resilience are traits. You can respec traits and health bars. Necro lets you resurrect where you died at the cost of 1 health bar with almost no hp. Resilience lets you resurrect with full up but you still lose a health bar.

      The trick is to buy a hunter with expensive traits, remove them, buy those 2 and play solo.

      • DruidOP
        21 year ago

        Can you revive at any time after dying or does it have to be a specific window shortly after?

        • @Moghul
          31 year ago

          You must wait 10 seconds, during which other players can place traps on your corpse, set you on fire (which will delete health bars, further lowering your hp when you res), etc. After those 10 seconds you can wait until the match fully ends. You can’t spectate while you wait.