• @[email protected]
    57 months ago

    No Iraq War, “No Child Left Behind” never becomes a thing, Bin Laden gets caught in Afghanistan if the 9/11 plot even manages to happen since Bush is known to have ignored a report containing a warning about the attacks being planned.

    You really wanna tell me that a world without the war on terror would be exactly as bad as the one we live in today? Especially one without the war on terror where the century kicks off with a president who takes the climate crisis seriously?

    • PugJesus
      57 months ago

      Fuck, even just excluding the war in Iraq makes a huge fucking difference.

    • Jessica
      7 months ago

      You’re taking quite a bit of a leap there about 9/11 being foiled because Gore was in office. I really don’t think that it would have been sunshine and lollipops like what has been suggested. He’s one man. I have a hard time believing one man would have made the difference in terms of 9/11.

      I was 17 during that election, otherwise I would have voted for him. I think he could have done some great things, but I’m not so sure those great things would have made massive waves that would change today.


      Edit: format more better next time.

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        Bush ignored an attack imminent report that basically spelled out the intent of Al Qaeda to launch an attack via the hijacking of airplanes. Gore likely would not have, as gore is not as dumb as Bush is well known to be.

      • BarqsHasBite
        27 months ago

        One of the key findings was that poor transition because of the election mess led to lack of intelligence briefings, etc and thus lack of decisions.

      • @AA5B
        27 months ago

        Even if that terrorist attack wasn’t foiled, there were many possible ways to respond to it. It’s naive to think that would have unfolded the same way