No offense or judgement meant to anyone if that’s your thing (to each their own). That’s just how I see pretty much all professional sports - the super bowl is just the poster child for it.

  • @Got_Bent
    211 months ago

    How do they do ads during the world cup when the game doesn’t stop?

    American football continuously stops allowing for seemingly infinite advertisements.

    • @son_named_bort
      311 months ago

      They put ads all over the stadium, ads on the score bug on TV, the commentators will sneak in product placement during the game, the jerseys themselves have ads on them. They find ways.

    • Tetra
      311 months ago

      That’s definitely part of it yeah, soccer is more continuous, so they can’t cram ads in like they can with football. There’s still a lot of it, but it’s not as crazy. American football is openly about ads as much as it is about the sport, it’s pretty nuts.