command line aliases to make repeated processes quicker. I’ve used them in the past and on specific programs but never on command line utilities.

like for instance with Debian, I’m repeatedly typing sudo apt-get install, so I aliased it: alias sagi=“sudo apt-get install” and it works pretty good.

Are there any best practices or aliases to avoid when using them? Other than known commands obviously. Are there popular alias lists out there?

  • @whats_all_this_then
    1 year ago

    Oh boy, my time to shine:

    • mkd - Create directory and immediately cd into it
    • dei - docker exec -i
    • dps - docker ps
    • mdocker - Switch to minikube’s docker context
    • n - nvim
    • n. - nvim .

    Node package managers

    Exampes use pnpm but I have them for yarn, npm, and bun too

    • pi - pnpm install
    • pd - pnpm run dev

    fzf stuff

    • sdh - Search home directory (directories, recursive)


    • fuckyou - git push --force
    • nano - nvim


    createpgdb - Create a postgres db on the given container with the given name

    Usage: createpgdb "postgres container" "db name"

    I have similar ones for dropdb and pg_dump. Here’s the command:

    f() { local __user; if [ -z $3 ]; then __user=postgres; else __user=$3; fi; docker exec -i $1 createdb -U $__user $2; unset -f f; }; f'