What do you guys think? Is this game another Deep Down, or do y’all think Capcom are actually still working on this game behind the scenes? I mean there was a bit of gameplay in the most recent trailer so that’s reassuring. Diana and Spaceman’s relationship feel so cozy and cute, I need this game in my life. ❤️

  • @KovuM
    21 year ago

    i hope not! ive had this game on my mind ever since the first announcement

    • MapleOPM
      21 year ago

      Same here! Plus, they wouldn’t just keep showing it off just to cancel it, right?

      • @KovuM
        21 year ago

        idk if the dm came through, but youre a mod now:)

        • MapleOPM
          21 year ago

          Hey, thanks so much. I’m happy to hear it, and I’ll make sure to always do my best. I’ve got a couple of communities for niche games if you’d like to be a moderator for them, or join them. Only if you’re interested of course. 😁