• @lennybird
    57 months ago

    You did a great job undermining their rhetoric. To add, it’s important to dismantle their non-sequitur / logical-leap that is the oft-touted “Biden is responsible for Genocide in Gaza.” by wedge-drivers or people who drank the kool-aid.

    Many of us are cognizant of humanitarian crisis there, and genocide does appear to be happening (I say that as no international body to my knowledge as formally concluded such). But to place that all on Biden doesn’t make sense, considering:

    • Regardless, October 7th, too was a massacre in which Israel had some right to respond. Not saying they responded correctly, but:
    • It only took 3 months for the most staunchest ally and greatest foreign aid supplier to go from lockstep support to saying Israel is “Indiscriminately bombing” the people of Gaza as facts on the ground became established.
    • There are massive ramifications to pushing back on the Zionist state that has a routine habit of having campaigns of public shaming and misconstruing actions critical of their far-right nationalist government as being anti-Semitic. If one thinks the Russian IRA troll farm is bad, just wait. Especially when Republicans are ready to happily amplify that rhetoric.
    • It was not Joe who ordered the bombs to be dropped, knowing the collateral damage that awaited. That rests squarely on Bibi’s shoulders.

    You said the most important thing, which is that Trump would be an order-of-magnitude worse under these circumstances for the civilians of Gaza, and that should be more than enough for anyone logically thinking this through. Now Is it fair to put pressure on Biden to change course in supplying and supporting Israel? Sure, there’s a time and place insofar as that doesn’t enable Trump to win.

    • 520
      7 months ago

      That’s an excellent breakdown on the ‘Biden is responsible for Israel’ fallacy. Israel is a separate nation with its own governance.

      As you said, October 7th was a massacre. And while I agree that Israel had the right of response, I don’t think anybody could have reasonably predicted what that response would look like. It makes GWB’s response to 9/11 look measured and controlled by comparison; over 50,000 dead civilians in 5 months. That’s almost the same amount of civilian deaths in the Iraq war (according to Wikileaks) in it’s entirety, and that went on for 8 years.

      What I do blame Biden for is the lack of political response up to this point. They obviously can’t do shit about weapons they already sent, but they could have easily done something about what they continue to send.

      Realistically speaking I don’t think we could have gotten a Ukraine-esque response, but next to nothing, after it has become undoubtedly clear what’s happening over there is genocide?