• DigitalTraveler42
    -28 months ago

    Again another attempt to turn this around on me, I’m not the one that made the shitty stereotype joke, you were, be accountable for your words and actions.

    Also if you’re not the person I’m “describing” at all then why was it so easy for me to see through you, and why are you getting so angry about it? I mean according to you I’m just some terminally online loser who needs to get help, why are you getting so upset if you don’t already see the truth in my observations of you?

    As for “with zero context” you literally gave me the context and continued to give me the context throughout this discussion, like seriously dude pls gain some self-awareness, and maybe you should be the one getting help, because ffs I’ve been getting help for decades and I can admit that without caring that it exposes me to more of your angry comebacks, so what’s that tell you about me?