I saw WASP, forgot my history for a second, and thought this was some white nationalist thing.
Looked this woman up, and she had a career as a pilot and test pilot after the war. Some bad ass stuff that involved bailing out of planes trying out experimental technologies.
She lived to be ninety years old.
Finally, those forties women really had a look to them. Maybe I’m a terrible member of the patriarchy for saying that, but I can’t not appreciate aesthetics when I see them.
This oozes pickme energy. I think it’s the preemptive deference to an imaginary progressive adversary, whom you expect to virtually chastise you with mean words for finding a woman gasp attractive.
For future reference: don’t apologize before someone is offended.
I saw WASP, forgot my history for a second, and thought this was some white nationalist thing.
Looked this woman up, and she had a career as a pilot and test pilot after the war. Some bad ass stuff that involved bailing out of planes trying out experimental technologies.
She lived to be ninety years old.
Finally, those forties women really had a look to them. Maybe I’m a terrible member of the patriarchy for saying that, but I can’t not appreciate aesthetics when I see them.
This oozes pickme energy. I think it’s the preemptive deference to an imaginary progressive adversary, whom you expect to virtually chastise you with mean words for finding a woman gasp attractive.
For future reference: don’t apologize before someone is offended.
I’m sorry, but preemptive apologies are fine.
Anyone telling you otherwise is anti-Canadian. 😜