• @rdyoung
    1 year ago

    Ignore them. They don’t realize that they are being the problem they are railing against by deciding for all women everywhere what they should be bothered and offended by. I don’t think this guy has ever met a woman that wasn’t related by blood and probably has never talked to any woman about how they are treated by drivers, random creeps online, random creeps around town, etc

    You are right. Comparing this to segregation insults the many many many men and women of all races that fought for fair treatment. It also insults all of the woman and men that have fought for women’s rights and liberation.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago
      • Why this safery feature is only for woman when it can be for anyone in need?
      • Look, he don’t want woman to be safe, he… [continue with attacks on his “manhood”]

      Really, if I am the problem here, why am I the one not using ad hominem. I have nothing against safety features for woman and I will fight for them. I just want those 10% of sexual abuse victims who are man to feel safe too and stop pretending they don’t exists, that’s all.