Hatch is failing me. )=

  • @owatnextOP
    11 year ago

    I checked my little tins of green chiles, they don’t state the non-NM disclaimer. At least not the “hot” ones, I don’t have and mild to check.

    What brands do you recommend personally? I am limited, as I don’t live in New Mexico, but I grab some NM chiles whenever I can.

    • Zeppo
      21 year ago

      Not canned at all, ideally. It tends to have a slight pickled taste. I’d suggest frozen chile if possible and if not that, jars. For frozen, most common is Bueño or Young Guns and they’re fine. For jars, most anything other than 505 is good. Young Guns also has big plastic bottles of chile. There’s a lot more variation in jarred sauce than just chopped roasted chile.